Sunday, March 11, 2007

I am 25

I ate an entire piece of mud pie today. Frenchie knows Ill eat it and yesterday I had home made tiramisu, which aparently didn't turn out right (god forbid) so I had to eat some of it...Anyways today I had 6 customers come in...omg shoot me. I just hung out with Debbie all day..ya know ...talking and eating and stuff...
So Anyways... talking to Frenchie and Debbie about bathing suits and I mentioned I would like to get into shape for Costa Rica this summer...oh boy...they were both like don't tell me you dont look good in a bathing suit...(which I dont by the way hahaha). They asked me how much weight I wanted to lose I said just wanted to tone up... Led to me asking them how much they thought I weighed! I got 115!! HOLY SHIT DUDE! hahahaha Im not gonna say how much I weigh but that was nice hahaha...(as im stuffing my mouth with a large piece of mud pie)...
ALSO got talking about if it matters...Frenchie thought I was 25! lmao! Oh boy.. Like I havent even been 18 for like 5 months! Oh well. Guess its the way I hold myself or something. I dont think I look THAT old...but okay! hehe
ESSAY WRITING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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