Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I think that's quite enough..

Im trying not to let this get me down..Im trying to be cheerful and not let the little things piss me off...except this is ENOUGH.
Tuesday-got cold symptoms after getting my nose pierced...okay whatever...dealable...
Wednesday-Cold...Bad BAD stomach ache later on that night...
Thursday- Curled up in pain most of the day...slept alot...
Friday- Bad headaches, achy all over...teeth begin to hurt??
Saturday- Glands are swollen up beyond belief..sore throat...teeth hurt and are bleeding when I brush and floss??
Sunday- Same as yesterday except now Im exhausted..11 hours of sleep tonight..
Monday- Fever, Lightheadedness, dizzy, nausious (?), exhausted. Skipped bio lab to go home and sleep 6 hours. Even more sick when I wake up. Gums are extremly swollen and sore. 12 hours of sleep this night.
Tuesday- DOCTOR...no more fever although gums and neck are completely swollen up..I barely have visible teeth...oh and if this isn't enough..I WAKE UP WITH NOT ONE BUT TWO COLDSORES!!! I have NEVER had a coldsore and I intended NEVER to get one. I am now angry at the world.

Like I said...trying not to let it get to me...but the coldsores broke the camels back. Michaela is ANGRY because my life will now be plagued by disgusting red pussy blisters on my lips. My life is RUINED...one more thing to deal with....so now Im on antibiotics and some lip shit..awesome.

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