Sunday, November 26, 2006

Snow snow go away...

So..its like absolutely horrendous outside...feels like subartic weather...I bet if you stood still long enough you would freeze to the spot. Definitely not something I am used to as a southern Alberta girl!! I have shut the blinds in my room because for once I don't want to look outside. It's making me depressed. So since I can no longer run outside I have finally retreated to the gym and that is where I have spent my mornings this weekend. I thought it would be really scary and like...intimidating but just like every other gym everyone is too involved in their workout to pay attention to yours so that helped! So now that I have made myself completely sore ( I cant even cough my abs hurt and my ass is about to fall off..) I am going to finish off today with a grilled cheese sandwhich, a bowl of soup, desperate housewives date and making paper snowflakes! Ciao!

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