Saturday, January 27, 2007

Worst Night of my Life

Tonight...was HORRIBLE. When I first got to work I could tell this was not going to be good. I wasn't ready or something. My section filled up so fast I couldnt get to everyone. It was too much. I did ask for help from another waitress and that lasted about 5 minutes...I should have thought earlier to ask a manager because this was too much for me. I screwed up everyones order..didn't get around to my tables quick wasnt good. So least to say I ended up in tears half way through the night. I just cracked and couldn't do it anymore. I was getting in serious shit from the manager, people weren't complaining but they weren't very happy, I was honestly going as fast as my feet could carry me and was doing as much as best ass I could. I was definetly giving a 100% effort. So after bawling in the freezing cold outside for about 30 minutes I got a talk from the one manager (who I am not so sure I like so much half the time) and then got back into things. Thankgod for some of the other waitresses and bar tenders. They totally saved me. They covered my section, got me back on my feet, and helped me at the drop of the hat. It was awesome. After that I had an awesome night! I had cool customers and after a few drinks compliments from the manager noone likes, I was laid back and doing my job better than I had ever done it before. Also my manager (the one I absolutely LOVE)totally rearranged the schedual so I could have next weekend off to see my boyfriend whos coming down to see me. She is seriously the best. I especially have the sweetest waitress too helping me out. Not only did she cover for me tonight, she is covering all my shifts next weekend! I totally gained alot of respect for her and if she is ever in need of a shift or two off I would be more than happy to cover her even if I need to make some accomodations.
So that was my night of hell at work. Hopefully that's the worst it will ever be....lets see if tomorrow I can wake up to go running and burn off the last of the upset steam. I can only learn from this experience as well. Hopefully it helps me as a server. Also...I am getting very good at giving fake phone numbers! :P

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