Friday, December 1, 2006


Well its December! Wow! 4 days until I'm 18! I am more than excited!! The only downside...mY Boyfriend..Mitch...couldn't get his days off to come and see me for it! : ( I havent seen him in so long (2 weeksish to be exact) and I am starting to really miss him. SO it will be another couple weeks before I go back to Brooks but that's okay I'm in no hurry to go back and be working for the Christmas holidays...There is much partying to be done before I go back... So far its looking like its gonna be really fun though..luckily I have some really good friends who are willing to take me out for the big Tuesday hahaha!! :D I'm eating my very first Christmas orange at the moment and my god are they good! I plan on making myself sick off of these things so that I get my fill for the year! Haha jks but seriously I think Im gonna eat as many of them as I can get my hands on cuz they are soooo yummy its almost a sin!! Good thing they are good for you or I would be getting fat off of oranges!!
I got most of my christmas shopping doesn't really feel like Christmas for some reason..I think this is because exams are coming up. Once I get those out of the way I will be able to finally kick back and relax a little bit...I think then it will feel more like Christmas...I just cannot believe how fast this year has gone by! So much has happened and you really don't realize how fast time is going by until its gone and youre left there looking back! Well sushi with the girls tonight so I should maybe finish off that Chapter in Psychology so I don't have to do it later this weekend!!!

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